Demolish the Dread

Demolish the Dread

It weighed heavy for three long years. I didn't think about it often, but in the background I felt its reproach. It glared at me, accused me, declared me a quitter because it sat unfinished and unwanted. I chose to walk away for a while and it was the right choice, but still it felt like failure. But only because that is what I made it in my mind.

It's kind of silly, but I dreaded dealing with it. Lately I dusted it off and dove in to evaluate. To my surprise, I discovered that I like it. It has value both in being a first effort--a beginning--and in a message that rings true. It's not the monster I imagined nor even an unruly, petulant child. It has simply waited patiently to be noticed again with a gentle invitation to return, to re-create.

Sometimes picking up the project we set aside leads to new possibility and growth.

Photo by Larimar Lens

Photo by Larimar Lens

Other times we realize that it is finally time to bow out gracefully.

Sometimes picking up the project we set aside leads to new possibility and growth. Distance offers some discernment and it's time to stare the thing down with a new set of eyes. We change and so does our perspective and purpose. A fresh direction, a creative curve, or even a renewed continuation on the same straight road becomes apparent. Emerging priorities help us re-shape and plunge in again.

Other times we realize that it is finally time to bow out gracefully. We have grown enough that the endeavor no longer fits. We can enjoy the freedom of a fond farewell and set our faces to the future. It doesn't mean that we made a mistake. It just means we get to move into the new possibilities God has for us--without a false sense of guilt or obligation. Either way the gridlock of inertia rejoices at its release. Reluctance finally meets resolve.

I am referring to a small thing. A blog begun and set aside. A creative endeavor that began to constrict. But it works the same for big things too. A relationship gone awry, a degree unfinished, a project abandoned.

 Look bravely at that thing stuffed in the corner of the room or playing mutiny in your mind. Whatever it is, determine to make a determination. Demolish that dread and enjoy the relief.

The Job of Old Age

The Job of Old Age